Exploring the Potential and Challenges of Historical Video Games
Historical video games represent a unique convergence of digital entertainment and educational media, blending immersive experiences with history education. These games have achieved considerable commercial success and captivated millions globally by offering richly detailed and historically accurate environments. However, the extent to which they enhance a genuine understanding and appreciation of history is a subject of ongoing scholarly debate.

Video Games Research Framework
This Framework is provided as a best-practice supporting tool for research into video games to help our understanding on how video games have impacted individuals, consumers, communities, industries and societies, and to support researchers to deliver shared research objectives. The video games industry in the UK and internationally is flourishing, with video games being an increasingly popular and important part of the UK’s economic, social and cultural landscape, and the sector is an important part of the UK’s creative industries. 60% of UK adults aged 16 and over, and 91% of children and young people between 3-15 years old, play video games.

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