Nagasaki Symposium

This video features presentations and discussions with Dr. Kyoichi Nakamura, Architect; Senior XR Designer Jakob MacDonald; Unreal Engine Technical Designer Adam Kay; historian Dr. Bill Mihalopoulos; and historian and project founder Dr. Christopher Gerteis.

We are grateful for support from the University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, SOAS University of London, the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, the Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, and the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation.


軍艦島「XRプロジェクト」 日英の研究者ら意義語る 出島メッセ長崎でシンポジウム


軍艦島をXRで再現 国際プロジェクト進む 22日にはシンポ