
HashimaXRは、端島(軍艦島)の炭鉱集落の複雑な日常生活を、没入型のバーチャル体験として提供するものである。私達はプロジェクトの名称を The Hashima XR Project と名付けました。XRは現実世界と仮想世界を融合し、新しい体験を創造する技術で、「VR(仮想現実)」「AR(拡張現実)」「MR(複合現実)」などの先端技術の包括的な総称です。近年、XR(クロスリアリティー)はソフトウェアやハードウェアーの進化により画質が飛躍的に向上し、操作性が大きく向上しました。また、通信環境の大幅な進化も欠かせないポイントです。5Gによる高速・大容量通信が可能となったことで、こうした高い臨場感を容易に安価で体験できるようになりました。

端島 XRは日本の小島で起こった日々の生活をバーチャル体験です。プロジェクトの目的は端島という小さな炭坑の島で起こっていた、ひと昔前の日々の生活をバーチャル(仮想空間)体験し、その有形無形の遺産を守り、未来に伝承します。





HashimaXR is an immersive virtual experience of the complexity of daily life on the island coal mining community of Hashima (GUNKANJIMA). A UNESCO World Heritage site, the slowly crumbling ruins of Hashima Island stand as an essential witness to Japan's modern history.

We are exploring the utility of Extended Reality (XR) technology to create a new experience of the history and heritage of Hashima by fusing the real and virtual worlds. XR is a comprehensive generic term for advanced technologies such as VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), and MR (mixed reality). XR has rapidly and dramatically improved with recent software and hardware design advances that enhance image quality and human interface operability. The availability of high-speed, large-capacity internet communications has also made it possible to experience XR’s high-resolution realism quickly and inexpensively.

We are reconstructing an authentic first-person immersive virtual reality experience (IVE) of daily life for residents on Hashima Island. We use 3d game engine technology to transfer complex architectural heritage BIM data, historical records, oral history sources, and 3d scans of material artifacts into an immersive experience.

Our initial IVE is a first-person interactive exploration of Hashima as it existed in 1970 before coal production ceased and was abandoned. It comprises Modules that depict interchangeable narrative loops for the player to complete. Each Module is designed around clearly defined learning objectives embedded within the player experience. The project is a unique opportunity to sharpen and expand existing tools and methods for preserving and communicating tangible and intangible heritage.